Updated on 2022-06-10 10:15:20 UTC
refreshed every 30 minutes

@RektYuanRex Yuan's actions (8)

Resource Action Why
Added simulation for dep_big_map_get_by_hash
Reply to thread RektYuan is the original author
Add a merge-team reviewer RektYuan is the original author
Added proofs for index_opt_eq and substr_l_eq
Reply to thread RektYuan is the original author
Add a merge-team reviewer RektYuan is the original author
Added proof for substr_l_eq
Reply to thread RektYuan is the original author
Fix CI RektYuan is the original author and triggered last pipeline
Add a merge-team reviewer RektYuan is the original author
Translator simulations 70-79
michelson sprint-3 sprint-4
Solve issue RektYuan is assigned