Updated on 2022-06-10 10:15:38 UTC
refreshed every 30 minutes

Everybody's actions on nomadic-labs/mi-cho-coq doc (12)

Resource Action Who and why
Add specialized multisig source
doc smart-contract verification
Close or reply to thread @rafoo_rafoo_ is the thread author
Reply to thread @rafoo_rafoo_ pushed recently
Add a merge-team reviewer @rafoo_rafoo_ pushed recently
Help add merge-team reviewers @davdumasdavdumas @jgonlabsjgonlabs @klakplokklakplok @MBourgoinMBourgoin @nguyencharles.nlabsnguyencharles.nlabs @OanaLPOanaLP @onurbonurb @pirbopirbo @raphael-proustraphael-proust @romain.nlromain.nl @SamREyeSamREye @vbotbolvbotbol is a dispatcher
Solve issue @rafoo_rafoo_ opened issue and no one is assigned
WIP: Documentation of the proof of the multisig contract
doc smart-contract verification
Reply to thread @rafoo_rafoo_ is the original author
Reply to thread @rafoo_rafoo_ is the original author
Reply to thread @rafoo_rafoo_ is the original author
Reply to thread @rafoo_rafoo_ is the original author
Reply to thread @rafoo_rafoo_ is the original author
Close or reply to thread @onurbonurb is the thread author
UnWIP @rafoo_rafoo_ is the original author