Updated on 2022-06-10 10:15:39 UTC
refreshed every 30 minutes

Everybody's actions on nomadic-labs/tezos specification (15)

Resource Action Who and why
priority::medium baker consensus specification state::paused tenderbake
Solve issue @cagocago @conchonconchon @iguerNLiguerNL @mebsoutmebsout is assigned
Code quality 🌞 documentation feature-spec specification tests
Complete task @germanDgermanD opened issue and no one is assigned
mempool specification state::in-progress
Reply to thread @ZaynahDargayeZaynahDargaye is the original author
Reply to thread @ZaynahDargayeZaynahDargaye is the original author
Reply to thread @ZaynahDargayeZaynahDargaye is the original author
Close or reply to thread @germanDgermanD is the thread author
Close or reply to thread @germanDgermanD is the thread author
Close or reply to thread @SaroupilleSaroupille is the thread author
Close or reply to thread @SaroupilleSaroupille is the thread author
Close or reply to thread @SaroupilleSaroupille is the thread author
Close or reply to thread @SaroupilleSaroupille is the thread author
Close or reply to thread @SaroupilleSaroupille is the thread author
Close or reply to thread @SaroupilleSaroupille is the thread author
Close or reply to thread @germanDgermanD is the thread author
UnWIP @ZaynahDargayeZaynahDargaye is the original author