Updated on 2022-06-10 10:15:29 UTC
refreshed every 30 minutes

Everybody's actions on tezos/tezos encoding (17)

Resource Action Who and why
type::bug encoding mempool michelson ⚗ triage::level2
Solve issue @frejsoyafrejsoya is assigned
Indescribable encoding `Context.Proof_encoding.V2.Tree32.tree_proof_encoding`
priority::high encoding state::to-do
Solve issue @raphael-proustraphael-proust is assigned
Add encoding regression tests for p2p messages
priority::medium CI ⚙ encoding p2p 🌐 shell test ⚒ tests::tezt
Solve issue @vivienpevivienpe is assigned
deprecate the rename greylist field in state_point encoding and rename it to reconnect
encoding p2p 🌐 shell
Complete task @abateabate is assigned
Encoding schema should sort enum cases
Complete task @dianegalloiswongdianegalloiswong is assigned
Provide tools, test and guidance for encoding interoperability
doc 📖 encoding test ⚒ tooling triage::level2
Solve issue @SaroupilleSaroupille is assigned
Micheline Benjamin's optizognions encoding
encoding michelson ⚗ priority::low proto state::to-do
Solve issue @mbouazizmbouaziz is assigned
Stack overflow in chain_prevalidators
encoding rpc ☎ triage::level2
Solve issue @abateabate opened issue and no one is assigned
Draft: mark issues related to data-encoding (for review)
Reply to thread @archaephyrryxarchaephyrryx is the original author
Reply to thread @archaephyrryxarchaephyrryx is the original author
Reply to thread @archaephyrryxarchaephyrryx is the original author
Reply to thread @archaephyrryxarchaephyrryx is the original author
Reply to thread @archaephyrryxarchaephyrryx is the original author
Reply to thread @archaephyrryxarchaephyrryx is the original author
Reply to thread @archaephyrryxarchaephyrryx is the original author
Fix CI @archaephyrryxarchaephyrryx is the original author and triggered last pipeline
UnWIP @archaephyrryxarchaephyrryx is the original author



Dispatchers:   @arvidnlarvidnl (from issue tezos/tezos#1062)
Issue watchers:  No one (from issue tezos/tezos#1061)
Labels:  priority::critical type::incident type::bug priority::high type::flake priority::medium confirmed 👁 alpha α approved arm64 bad UX 🍎 baking bootstrap build system CI ⚙ ci--arm64 ci--docker ci--docs ci--no-coverage ci--opam client 🏧 Code quality 🌟 compiler 🤖 coq-of-ocaml 🐔 crypto DAL dalphanet deps-rework doc 📖 doc-only docker 🐳 dune3 emacs encoding error-handling gas 🚂 good beginner task 🍼 incident javascript ledger light 💡 liquidity-baking lmdb logging lwt ➡️ mainnet-only mandatory marge-priority::high mempool michelson ⚗ minor mockup monad-wrangling monitoring multisig needs help needs testing Nice to have 👶 node 🖥 Not for V1 💫 ode-observability opam opsec 🔐 p2p 🌐 Packaging 📦 performance platform-compatibility priority::low proto proto::Consensus algorithm proto::environment proto::next proto::plugins proxy python 🐍 ready for review party 🎉 release manager 👷 Release Process Crew revert rpc ☎ rust sapling scoru security shell signer simple snoop specification state::blocked state::in-progress state::in-review state::ready-to-merge state::to-do stdlib storage support 💁 team::michelson team::node-tools team::SDK Terraform test ⚒ testnet::idiazabalnet tests::alcotest tests::CI tests::coverage tests::crowbar tests::documentation tests::flextesa tests::performance tests::pytest tests::qcheck tests::suite tests::tezt tickets tooling toru::client toru::daemon 👹 toru::layer1 toru::layer1+2 toru::layer2 toru::storage 🌳 triage::level0 triage::level1 triage::level2 try-reproduce type::benchmark type::discussion type::feature type::meta type::suggestion validation waiting for feedback wasm-pvm:lazy-tree wontfix 🙈 wrapper-shell-script