Updated on 2022-06-10 10:15:39 UTC
refreshed every 30 minutes

Everybody's actions on metastatedev/tezos Environment V1 (5)

Resource Action Who and why
Draft: Allow anyone to propose protocol and prevent activation of not revealed protocol
Environment V1 proto-009 Protocol
Blocking metastatedev/tezos#73 metastatedev/tezos#44 metastatedev/tezos#74
Blocked by metastatedev/tezos!109
Unblock @sribaroudsribaroud is the original author
Michelson: Move conversion functions from and to `string canonical` to the client
Code improvment Environment V1 Minor Protocol Smart Contract To Do
Solve issue @rafoo_rafoo_ is assigned
Add binding operators
Environment V1 Protocol
Solve issue @tzemanovictzemanovic opened issue and no one is assigned
WIP: Use Lwt result lib
Environment V1 proto-007-delayed
Fix CI @mbouazizmbouaziz is the original author and triggered last pipeline
UnWIP @mbouazizmbouaziz is the original author