Updated on 2022-06-10 10:15:39 UTC
refreshed every 30 minutes

Everybody's actions on metastatedev/tezos Tooling (16)

Resource Action Who and why
Develop load generator
Solve issue @adrianbrinkadrianbrink opened issue and no one is assigned
WIP: Client+Proto_alpha: add typed version of `unpack michelson data`
Smart Contract Tooling
Close or reply to thread @rafoo_rafoo_ is the thread author
Close or reply to thread @rafoo_rafoo_ is the thread author
UnWIP @haochenxiehaochenxie is the original author
Draft: Add helper scripts for proto-proposal dev
Close or reply to thread @tzemanovictzemanovic is the thread author
Close or reply to thread @tzemanovictzemanovic is the thread author
Close or reply to thread @tzemanovictzemanovic is the thread author
Close or reply to thread @mbouazizmbouaziz is the thread author
Close or reply to thread @mbouazizmbouaziz is the thread author
Close or reply to thread @mbouazizmbouaziz is the thread author
Reply to thread @tzemanovictzemanovic is the original author
Reply to thread @tzemanovictzemanovic is the original author
Fix CI @tzemanovictzemanovic is the original author and triggered last pipeline
UnWIP @tzemanovictzemanovic is the original author
Draft: WIP: Proto, RPC, and Client: support for the TZT format
Protocol RPC Smart Contract Tooling
Fix CI @rafoo_rafoo_ is the original author and triggered last pipeline
UnWIP @rafoo_rafoo_ is the original author