Updated on 2022-06-10 10:15:23 UTC
refreshed every 30 minutes

Everybody's actions on tezos/michelson-reference output (10)

Resource Action Who and why
Suggestions on semantics and values
priority::medium output reference
Complete task @arvidnlarvidnl is assigned
Some follow-ups from Edo update
priority::low difficulty::medium documentation output reference
Complete task @arvidnlarvidnl is assigned
CHECK_SIGNATURE, COMPARE, DIG documentation improvement
priority::low difficulty::easy output reference
Complete task @baugrbaugr is assigned
Add examples from TZT suite
priority::low difficulty::medium output test
Solve issue @arvidnlarvidnl is assigned
Descriptions of predicates over types are incomplete
priority::low difficulty::medium output test
Solve issue @yrgyrg opened issue and no one is assigned
Move the enumeration and description of type attributes to the meta data file
priority::low difficulty::medium output reference reference-schema
Solve issue @arvidnlarvidnl opened issue and no one is assigned
Fix backwards cycling through search results
Act @baugrbaugr is assigned
Fix CI @arvidnlarvidnl is the original author and triggered last pipeline
Add a merge-team reviewer @arvidnlarvidnl is the original author
Help add merge-team reviewers @arvidnlarvidnl @jgonlabsjgonlabs @klakplokklakplok @murbardmurbard @OanaLPOanaLP @pirbopirbo @smondetsmondet @tmcgilchristtmcgilchrist is a dispatcher